You always learn more with us!


TeleDom, an educational center within the company Novitech Partner s.r.o., offers new opportunities to its current and potential customers. Improving personal and company skills, increasing competitiveness on the market, and effective use of online collaboration tools for education, company management, and communication with business partners are serious challenges that everyone faces today which are necessary attributes for future success.

Customized training and seminars

We provide swift and high-quality custom-designed proposals for completing insufficient information on any topic, is a guarantee that you will be able to rely on thorough and relevant information, which will assist you in resolving your tasks.

Learn from excellent experts with practical experience

Our lecturers have years of professional experience in their fields and have mastered their practice. We will provide theoretical knowledge, as well as examples of practical applications of acquired skills.


Throughout the course or training, you are able to access the latest versions of the software products used, which are essential for your work. This will result in you having the latest features and enhancements available, enabling you to work more efficiently.

Complex services

We offer comprehensive services, including professional facilities for your events, catering, and accommodation services, all in one place in the historical center of Košice.

Our services

Take advantage of the opportunity to educate yourself, develop your skills, or share information with others through organizing a conference

Complex organization of training and seminars

Complex organization of training and seminars

We offer a wide range of in-person, online, and hybrid courses. We arrange the organization of training and seminars, development of in-person and online training content, and professional facilities for conferences, e-learning, courses, seminars, and training on specialized topics.
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Conference services

Conference services

Our conference services are all-included; presentation equipment, pleasant spaces with a total capacity of up to 250 people, as well as a wide range of catering and accommodation services.
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Organisation of web-conferences

Organisation of web-conferences

We organize and arrange web conferences; communication and video conferencing platforms for presenting your products and services to customers.

Remote coaching

Remote coaching

We offer remote coaching services and individual courses or consultations customized to your interests, including digital and lingual skills, soft skills, accounting, marketing, and more. The topic is suggested by the customer/user of the platform, and we provide customized training based on your specific needs.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Improvement of visibility of your products and services on the internet. Online advice by TeleDom experts; on how to set up and/or enhance your e-shop.

Corporate Home Office

Corporate Home Office

Creation of a corporate Intranet platform for communication and management of company or project team activities.
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Effective and Simple Education

Contact us and start improving your skills today!

+421 55 327 44 02

Leto Plné Vedomosti: Pripoj sa k nám!

Objavte svet nových vedomostí a zručností s našimi letnými kurzami! Ponúkame rôznorodé kurzy, ktoré vám pomôžu zdokonaliť sa v práci. Pripojte sa k nám a strávte leto produktívne a zábavne! Nižšie nájdete zoznam našich kurzov:

Tieto programy vám pomôžu rozvíjať dôležité schopnosti a udržať krok s požiadavkami moderného trhu práce.

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