The list will be gradually completed with the growth of TeleDom.online services and based on your questions, which you can ask in the Chatbox window in the lower right part of our pages. You can contact us by email at: online@teledom.sk or by phone, nonstop: +421 553274402.

Registration is easy and quick. Just go to the Contact/Guest Registration section, fill in the required data, and submit the registration. Select the service you are interested in during registration from the drop-down box. A registered Guest of TeleDom.online has the free right to:

  • watch all public meetings
  • access all additional information about meetings and courses
  • receive a weekly Newsletter about the previous week’s events and an overview of the following week’s events

Access to every online meeting is allowed only to registered users. Before each meeting, you will receive a link (URL address) to enter the meeting. For the sake of transparency of TeleDom.online meetings, we ask you to enter your name and surname for communication between lecturers and participants. If you are just listening, it is reasonable to have the microphone muted so that you do not disturb the speaker and other participants with possible sounds from your surroundings.

A Registered Guest can purchase the following services for events marked as Private – entry for invited users only:

  • CREDIT: purchase the time credit before the meeting. One Credit = €10 + VAT. Each meeting has a listed credit value. The user can use the purchased credits for several meetings/events.
  • CLUB: purchase the right to participate in all meetings and exercises of digital and language skills for one month.
  • SPECIAL: purchase special services pre-ordered by corporate and individual TeleDom customers, such as the purchase of services for groups of employees, payments for in person events in TeleDom facilities (conference services, auditorium rental, lunches and coffee breaks for training participants, accommodation in Hotel TeleDom, etc.)

Payments can be made by credit card or bank transfer. In-person events at TeleDom facilities (Timonova ulica 27, Košice) can also be paid by cash.

Leto Plné Vedomosti: Pripoj sa k nám!

Objavte svet nových vedomostí a zručností s našimi letnými kurzami! Ponúkame rôznorodé kurzy, ktoré vám pomôžu zdokonaliť sa v práci. Pripojte sa k nám a strávte leto produktívne a zábavne! Nižšie nájdete zoznam našich kurzov:

Tieto programy vám pomôžu rozvíjať dôležité schopnosti a udržať krok s požiadavkami moderného trhu práce.

Thank you for your registration as a TeleDom guest

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We will contact you within 24 hours.